What home decor style am I?

Distinguishing a cozy and welcoming home interior isn't solely about design expertise; it's about infusing your personal style into every nook and cranny.
Achieving a home that truly mirrors its inhabitant involves authentically expressing yourself.
Katie Labourdette-Martinez and Olivia Wahler, the creative minds behind Hearth Homes Interiors, emphasize that the journey to determining and embodying your design style is a multi-faceted experience that extends beyond aesthetics.
Once you've identified your style, the challenge lies in wholeheartedly embracing it. To assist you in confidently adopting your personal design style, interior designers provide guidance on discovering your unique aesthetic and incorporating it into your living spaces.


1. Account for All Inhabitants

Discovering your design style is pivotal in crafting a space that resonates with your preferences. However, complications arise when a household comprises individuals with divergent style preferences. Brad Sherman, a partner at the New York-based interiors firm Float Studio, advises against confining specific rooms to a particular style, as this can lead to a lack of coherence. When faced with conflicting design preferences, begin by establishing a color palette agreeable to all residents. Subsequently, curate items that appeal to the design sensibilities of each homeowner, creating a cohesive look.

Sherman recounts a recent project where the team adhered to dark woods and a brown-orange color palette. Integrating midcentury modern seating with a more traditional rug maintained harmony within these parameters, resulting in a collected aesthetic appreciated by both partners. Regardless of how you mix and match aesthetics, Nina Etnier, Sherman's partner at Float Studio, advocates maintaining an open mind. Instead of viewing every element as a personal favorite, focus on avoiding items that either party dislikes. By embracing diverse design styles while respecting individual tastes, you can achieve a harmonious blend.


2. Choose Your Starting Point:

Introducing a new design style into your home may seem overwhelming. Etnier and Sherman recommend commencing with a smaller space for experimentation. "A kitchen refresh provides an easy entry point to reimagine your home and experiment with your newfound design style," suggests Etnier. Whether it's a change in paint color or a simple hardware swap, these adjustments can transform the space without committing to a major overhaul.
The entryway is another suitable starting point due to its smaller size and frequent use. Sherman proposes making small changes, such as adding wallpaper, compact furniture pieces like an entryway table or chair, and exploring storage options to gauge your tolerance for clutter. These alterations allow you to live with the style daily, helping you refine your taste and identify your preferences without a significant investment.


3. Steer Clear of Directly Copying Inspiration:

While visual inspiration is a great starting point, Sherman emphasizes the importance of making it your own. Copying and pasting ideas might strip your design of its uniqueness. He recommends using images for inspiration when incorporating textures, a color palette, and overall ambiance. It's crucial to assess why you're drawn to the inspiration—whether it's the architectural elements or the feasible design features that can be introduced in your own space. Sherman advises being mindful of your surroundings, understanding the space you're working with, and setting realistic goals.


4. Consider the Holistic Experience:

While pretty paint, beautiful fabrics, and captivating art set the tone, achieving your design style involves delving deeper. Labourdette-Martinez and Wahler encourage clients to consider how materials feel against their skin, the desired background noise in specific areas, and even the aroma of the space. They believe these sensory details shape experiences and create lasting memories, making it essential to incorporate them into your personal design style.


5. Embrace What You Love; Avoid Neutrality:

Etnier urges individuals to find what they love and embrace it, cautioning against the tendency to choose neutral, unremarkable pieces out of nervousness about committing to a style. Opting for a neutral palette can result in a cold and unwelcoming atmosphere. Instead, take gradual steps by accumulating pieces you genuinely love, gradually infusing color and personality. This approach creates a collected look that speaks to your unique style sensibilities.


6. Invest and Curate:

Discovering your design style doesn't require rapid decoration; it can evolve over time as you invest in and collect items. Etnier and Sherman both advocate for allowing your space to grow and come to life gradually. They emphasize that our design style should evolve with personal growth, and pieces with personal value are more likely to adapt to your evolving story. To avoid the pitfalls of fast furniture and trend-focused aesthetics, the duo suggests steering clear of fleeting and trendy pieces that may quickly go out of style.




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